


Dartford Energy Hub | Public Consultation

Capable of storing energy equivalent to 1 hour of power for all homes in Dartford, Gravesham and Sevenoaks Boroughs when fully charged

Dartford Energy Hub Impact

Would displace 40,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions from gas fired power plants each year

Equivalent to planting 1.9 million trees


Latest News

17th October 2024

We are holding a public consultation event on Tuesday 5th November at Southfleet Village Hall, Dale Road, Southfleet, DA13 9NX. The project team will be on site from 2.30 – 7.30pm to talk through our proposals and answer your questions.  

The pre-application consultation runs until Tuesday 19th November.



Built for an era of coal and gas fired power stations, the existing UK electricity network needs upgrading to support the deployment of renewable, low carbon energy. The inflexibility of the network is adding costs to bills and failing to deliver the emissions reductions needed to prevent climate change.
3.4 TWh of electricity from wind turbines lost in 2022 due to a lack of storage on the electricity grid
Equivalent to 5 days power for the whole of the UK
£210 million of payments to wind turbine operators for lost revenue
£590 million of payments to gas-fired power plants to generate electricity equivalent to that lost from wind turbines
1.3 million tonnes of unnecessary CO2 emissions from gas-fired power plants due to a lack of storage
Source: ‘Gone with the Wind’. Report by the Carbon Tacker Initiative, June 2023

Batteries solve one of the biggest challenges facing renewable energy. Matching weather dependent solar and wind electricity with household and business electricity demand.

Currently, gas power plants are turned on to supplement wind and solar energy supply and meet peak electricity demand between 7 and 9am and 6 and 8pm

Batteries maximise the amount of renewable energy we can use at home and reduce the number of times we need to turn on a gas fired power plant to meet peak demand, saving money and reducing GHG emissions

Weather dependent wind and solar energy farms often produce more energy than is needed to meet electricity demand overnight and at off peak times during the day

With both supply and demand fluctuating across the day, batteries store energy when there’s more than needed to meet demand and discharge it when there’s less than needed

Example Battery Storage Facility

The total site area for the project is fixed at 11 hectares with the battery facility accounting for 5.5 hectares. The site is located next to existing commercial development. Connection to the electricity grid would be via underground cable to Northfleet Substation on the north of the A2. The cable route would follow the path of a disused railway line to avoid disruption to local roads. The plan below shows an example of what the final scheme could look like. With the feedback gained from this public consultation we will work up a final design for submission to Dartford Borough Council as part of our planning application for the project.


The Dartford Energy Hub would generate £50,000 of funding annually to support community initiatives such as

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Community led projects

Support for community projects focused on improving community services and facilities, enhancing nature and increasing access to open spaces.

Tackling fuel poverty

The implementation of energy saving measures for low-income households that help permanently reduce bills and carbon emissions. In Dartford Borough 9.1% of households are in fuel poverty.

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Low carbon retrofits for local community buildings

Support for installations of solar panels, heat pumps and batteries at community buildings.



Clearstone Energy undertakes extensive research to find site locations which minimise adverse impacts on local communities. The site has been selected due to it being:

A good location for a significant net zero project

An infill site adjacent to existing commercial uses including a recycling centre and storage yard.

The nearest developable site to the point of connection at Northfleet Substation.

Urgently required to future proof the local electricity network for net zero

Northfleet Substation plays a key role in ensuring a reliable electricity supply for homes and business across Dartford and Gravesend, Orpington, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells.

The project is needed to modernise the local electricity network and future proof it for a UK electricity supply that will be primarily driven by renewable sources.

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Minimal impact on the local community

There are no public rights of way or public access to the land.

It is located away from local villages and residential areas.

Construction traffic can route directly from the A2 to the site avoiding residential areas.

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An acceptable use of green belt land

Low-quality green belt land that is bisected by roads, railway lines and overhead powerlines, and is visually distinct from surrounding farmland.

Primarily Grade 2 farm land, but existing infrastructure and topography makes it hard to farm so has historically been used for sporadic grazing not crop production.

History of commercial development on the parcel of land to the south of the A2 bounded by HS1 railway lines.

A temporary 40 year project, after which the facility would be dismantled and land restored.


Further project detail

Project information
  • 3 metre maximum height of batteries and associated equipment
  • 13 metre maximum height of substation building
  • Electricity grid connection by underground cable to Northfleet substation
  • Temporary 40 year use with restoration to agriculture following
The right location

The Northfleet substation plays a key role in ensuring electricity supply to homes and businesses across Dartford, Gravesham and Sevenoaks Boroughs. Adding battery energy storage to the electricity grid here will increase the availability of renewable energy locally and provide greater security of supply.

The project would be built adjacent to existing rail, road and electrical infrastructure and commercial development with minimal impact on the local community.

Safe by design

The indicative site layout meets or exceeds safety standards set out by the UK National Fire Chief Council and US National Fire Protection Agency. Kent Fire & Rescue Service will be consulted at all stages in the development of the project. Please read this blog from Blesson Thomas, Head of Grid at Clearstone Energy, for more information on our Battery Safety by Design approach.

Frequently asked questions

No – while the facility would generate some low-level electrical noise from the inverters, switchgear, and fan equipment this noise would not be perceptible beyond the site boundaries. To demonstrate this, a Noise Impact Assessment will be submitted as part of any future planning application.

All Clearstone projects must comply with the standards set out in our comprehensive Battery Safety Standards Plan. Our safety plan draws on best practice from the UK’s National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) and the US’s National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA). These standards cover all aspects of the project – technology, site design, installation, operation and emergency response plan – to ensure that it meets the highest safety levels. Kent Fire & Rescue Service will be consulted on the project at all stages of its development and operations.

No, this would be a temporary 40-year use of the land, with batteries, other equipment and hard infrastructure removed at the end of the project and the land returned to agricultural use.

The land is privately owned, Clearstone Energy has an agreement in place with the landowner for the use of the land. We will be applying for planning permission for the development area outlined on this web page and have no plans to develop the remainder of the field with agricultural use continuing. 

No. Most of the components are prefabricated offsite rather than assembled in situ. On site construction would be restricted to the laying of access tracks and creation of level platforms for the battery containers to sit on. Prefabricated units would be craned into position ready for cabling and connection works. As such, project construction would take 6-9 months.

The lithium-ion batteries that will be used in the project are not reliant
on scarce raw materials. There are established recycling processes for recovering the most common elements used in battery construction – iron, phosphate and lithium – for re-use.

Typically, there would be two to three HGVs a day bringing prefabricated units to the site during construction. Construction traffic would route directly from the A2 and Station Road to the site avoiding residential areas. Once operational, traffic would reduce to a light goods van visiting a couple of times a month.

No, there will be no lighting on site.

The maximum height of the batteries would be 3m. However, these would be screened by existing hedgerows and new woodland and hedgerow planting.

Clearstone Energy is working with an experienced team of landscape and ecology consultants who are currently finalising planting recommendations. Anything we plant will be native to the local area. We will also be responsible for maintaining planting across the lifetime of the project. This commitment would be part of any planning approval for the project.

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Clearstone Energy is a leading independent developer of renewable energy and energy storage projects that increase the availability of clean energy and improve the resilience of the electricity grid.

We are working with National Grid to develop solar generation and battery storage projects that are building a UK energy system based on clean, low cost and renewable energy.

Our experienced team has a track record of developing successful renewable energy projects that are providing clean and reliable energy to communities across the UK.

Since founding in 2016, Clearstone Energy has developed eleven energy projects in the UK. Two are operational and nine are in or awaiting construction.

We believe that our projects can do more than energy generation and storage. They support the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in the communities that host them. They provide opportunities to build habitats for wildlife and contribute to the preservation of local ecosystems. They provide support for community projects.

Talk to us.

As project neighbours your views are really important to us. Sam Thompson is the Development Manager for the Dartford Energy Hub project.

You can email Sam at dartford@clearstoneenergy.com. Whether it’s comments, feedback or questions we’d love to hear from you.

Sam Thomson

Following the public consultation

Once the public consultation closes on Tuesday 19th November, we will integrate your feedback into a final project plan and submit a formal planning application for the project to Dartford Borough Council. As local residents you will be asked for your comments, support or objections to the project as part of the planning application review process. Those living closest to the site will typically be contacted by letter by the Council when the planning application has been received.

We also send details of the planning application by email to those residents that we have email addresses for. If you would like us to do that for you please submit your email address here.


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    solar energy

    Solar Energy

    The UK’s energy markets have experienced turmoil and rising electricity costs since 2021, leading to a surge in rooftop and ground-mounted solar installations in 2022. Two-thirds of UK solar generation comes from large-scale projects, and solar energy is the fastest growing and lowest cost renewable energy technology.

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    Battery Storage

    Battery energy storage is key for reliable renewable energy. Large scale batteries near wind and solar sites ensure a constant electricity supply. Transitioning from gas to batteries will make energy cleaner, more secure and cheaper. In 2022, UK wind farms were paid £62m a day to not produce power because of the lack of storage, which cost consumers.

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