Axminster Energy Hub is a significant energy infrastructure project that will modernise the local electricity grid to support the transition from gas and coal generated electricity to renewable energy from solar and wind. The project includes a comprehensive package of community benefits to ensure that the local community benefits directly from this local renewable energy project. This webpage provides an overview of the proposal so members of the community can comment prior to the formal planning application being finalised and submitted.

Latest news

You are invited to a public consultation event on the project. This will take place from 14.00-19.00 on Wednesday 18th October at Woodbury Community Hall, Woodbury Lane, Axminster, EX13 5TL

The pre- application consultation runs until Friday 3rd November.


Modernising local energy infrastructure

An energy hub for East Devon

A 150MW battery energy storage project at Blackpool Corner, Axminster.

Site is set back from local roads and housing and surrounded on all four sides by mature trees and shrubs that ensure it can’t be seen.

powerlines icon
A local and national priority

Battery Energy Storage is a key
priority for responding to the
climate emergency by maximising the availability of green energy from solar and wind farms for use in homes and businesses across East Devon.

solar panel icon
Supporting existing solar assets

Adjacent to Beavor Grange and Newlands Solar Farms. Development footprint of 1.5 hectares, six percent of the area occupied by the solar farms.


What’s in it for the local

Community Commitment

The Axminster Energy Hub project will offer £50,000 of funding annually (£2 million in total) to promote energy saving, community projects and tackle the cost of living crisis.

  • An electricity bill subsidy payment to households closest to the Site.
  • The implementation of energy saving measures for low income households (11% of households in East Devon are in fuel poverty).
  • Support for community projects focused on improving community services, enhancing nature and increasing energy efficiency.

In addition to an estimated £500,000 per year in business rates for reinvestment in local initiatives.

Delivering for East Devon

The Devon Carbon Plan (September 2022) outlines the role of energy storage in Devon’s strategy for reducing carbon emissions across the county to net zero –

“Deploying flexibility services and storage technologies will reduce the amount of new renewable energy capacity required. This will make best use of the resource, reduce investment costs and avoid the need for fossil-fuel powered peaking plants to generate power when demand outstrips the instantaneous supply from renewables.”

(Section 8.2.3)

Improving natural ecosystems

It is estimated that Britain has lost around 50% of its biodiversity since the 1970s due to intensive farming, new housing and commercial development.

Two thirds of the proposed Site has been set aside for ecological enhancements including:

  • Wildflower rich grassland to encourage pollinators.
  • A drainage system that provides a new aquatic habitat.
  • Introduction of new native trees and ground level planting to existing woodland.

We estimate the scheme would deliver a biodiversity net gain of around 10% across the site.

Development Zone Plan

Energy and Climate Change Impact

Capable of storing energy equivalent to 10 hours power for all 75,000 homes in East Devon when fully charged

Would displace 35,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions from gas fired power plants each year

Equivalent to planting 1.7 million trees


Built for an era of coal and gas fired power stations, the existing UK electricity network needs upgrading to support the deployment of renewable, low carbon energy. The inflexibility of the network is adding costs to bills and failing to deliver the emissions reductions needed to prevent climate change.

3.4 TWh of electricity from wind turbines lost in 2022 due to a lack of storage on the electricity grid
Equivalent to 5 days power for the whole of the UK
£210 million of payments to wind turbine operators for lost revenue
£590 million of payments to gas-fired power plants to generate electricity equivalent to that lost from wind turbines
1.3 million tonnes of unnecessary CO2 emissions from gas-fired power plants due to a lack of storage
Source: ‘Gone with the Wind’. Report by the Carbon Tacker Initiative, June 2023

Batteries solve one of the biggest challenges facing renewable energy. Matching weather dependent solar and wind electricity with household and business electricity demand.

Currently, gas power plants are turned on to supplement wind and solar energy supply and meet peak electricity demand between 7 and 9am and 6 and 8pm

Batteries maximise the amount of renewable energy we can use at home and reduce the number of times we need to turn on a gas fired power plant to meet peak demand, saving money and reducing GHG emissions

Weather dependent wind and solar energy farms often produce more energy than is needed to meet electricity demand overnight and at off peak times during the day

With both supply and demand fluctuating across the day, batteries store energy when there’s more than needed to meet demand and discharge it when there’s less than needed

Indicative Project Proposal

Key Information

Vital statistics
  • Total redline area including cable route of 10.8 hectares
  • Main development area of 6.5 hectares
  • 65% allocated for ecological enhancement initiatives (4.2 hectares)
  • 35% for the battery facility and access tracks (2.3 hectares)
  • 3 metre maximum height of batteries
  • 8 metre maximum height of substation cable supports
  • Underground cable connection to the Axminster National Gridsubstation 2km to the north east
  • Temporary 40 year use with restoration to agriculture following
The right location

Strategically positioned on the National Grid transmission network to support electricity supply across Devon and maximise the local use of renewable energy. The site is set back from both Stammery Hill and the B3165. The existing tree and hedgerow lined boundaries effectively screen the site from both nearby roads and footpaths and higher viewpoints. Battery facility located on lower grade agricultural land (Grade 3b) outside of the Dorset AONB.

Safe by design

The indicative site layout meets or exceeds safety standards set out by the UK National Fire Chief Council and US National Fire Protection Agency. Devon & Somerset Fire Service will be consulted on the project. Please read this blog from Blesson Thomas, Head of Grid at Clearstone Energy, for more information on our Battery Safety by Design   approach.

Frequently asked questions

We answer common questions and concerns that communities may have

A full noise assessment has been conducted for the site and the project design will include a 4 metre high acoustic fence, constructed from timber, between the equipment and existing treeline site boundaries as an extra layer of noise reduction.

All Clearstone projects must comply with the standards set out in our comprehensive Battery Safety Standards Plan. Our safety plan draws on best practice from UK’s National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) and the US’s National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA). These standards cover all aspects of the project – technology, site design, installation, operation and emergency response plan – to ensure that it meets the highest safety levels.

No, the project is temporary with batteries, other equipment and hard infrastructure removed at the end of the project and the land returned to agricultural use.

No. Most of the components are prefabricated offsite rather than assembled in situ. On site construction will be restricted to the laying of shallow concrete pads for battery containers to sit on and the craning of prefabricated units into position ready for cabling and connection works. As such, project construction would take 6-9 months.

The Lithium-Ion batteries that will be used in the project are not reliant
on scarce raw materials. There are established recycling processes for recovering the most common elements used in battery construction – iron, phosphate and lithium – for re-use.

Typically there would be three HGVs a day bringing prefabricated units to the site during construction. Construction vehicles will route to the site via the A35 and B3165, avoiding minor roads.

No, there will be no lighting on site.

Who we are

Clearstone Energy is a leading independent developer of renewable energy and energy storage projects that increase the availability of clean energy and improve the resilience of the electricity grid.

We are working with National Grid to develop a portfolio of strategically located solar generation and battery storage projects that will help build a UK energy system based on clean, low cost and renewable energy.

Our experienced team has a track record of developing successful renewable energy projects that are providing clean and reliable energy to communities across the UK.

Since founding in 2016, Clearstone Energy has developed nine energy projects in the UK. Two are operational and seven are in construction.

Talk to us.

As project neighbours your views are really important to us. Tom Bevan is the Development Manager for the Axminster Energy Hub project.

Whether its comments, feedback of questions we’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch

Following the public consultation

Once the public consultation closes on Friday 3rd November, we will integrate your feedback into a final project plan and submit a formal planning application for the project to East Devon District Council. As local residents you will be asked for your comments, support or objections to the project as part of the planning application review process. Those living closest to the site will typically be contacted by letter by the Council when the planning application has been received.

We also send details of the planning application by email to those residents that we have email addresses for. If you would like us to do that for you please submit your email address here.


    Find out more about our projects

    Solar Energy

    The UK’s energy markets have experienced turmoil and rising electricity costs since 2021, leading to a surge in rooftop and ground-mounted solar installations in 2022. Two-thirds of UK solar generation comes from large-scale projects, and solar energy is the fastest growing and lowest cost renewable energy technology.

    More about Solar

    Battery Storage

    Battery energy storage is key for reliable renewable energy. Large scale batteries near wind and solar sites ensure a constant electricity supply. Transitioning from gas to batteries will make energy cleaner, more secure and cheaper. In 2022, UK wind farms were paid £62m a day to not produce power because of the lack of storage, which cost consumers.

    More about Battery Storage


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