Project status

  1. Project Design
  2. Community Consultation
  3. Planning Application Submission
  4. Planning Application Decision
  5. Construction
  6. Operational
  • Where

    Upminster, London

  • What

    Battery energy storage

  • Network Connection Capacity

    57 MW

  • Equivalent household power use

    114,000 homes for 2 hours when fully charged

  • Annual CO2 emissions saved

    13,680 tonnes

  • Targeted Operational Date


  • Project Development Size

    0.4 hectares

  • Project Lifespan

    40 years

The Warley Battery Energy Storage  project is located at Upminster on the outskirts of East London. The project is on National Grid land adjacent to its 275kV Warley substation. It will connect directly to the London electricity distribution circuit and serve to balance supply and demand in London. 

Biodiversity benefits

The site includes a 7 metre buffer of new shrub and tree planting which both screens the batteries from a nearby bridleway and encourages biodiversity gain in a predominantly arable area.

Planting will be a diverse mix of native British species and include mature trees to quickly support biodiversity growth on the site. A quarter of the site will be planted with wildflowers to encourage insects and pollinators to the site. Bird and insect boxes will be installed along the site boundary to support a range of bird and insect species.

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